JavaScript Widget Overview
The mailfloss JavaScript widget verifies email addresses as users enter them on your web forms. This email verification process happens in real-time to help prevent invalid and at-risk email addresses from clogging up your database, reduce bounces, and recover misspelled email addresses.

Installation is straightforward and requires copying and pasting a few lines of code for insertion into HTML pages. As such, it may require a developer or IT specialist with permission to modify the HTML.
The javaScript widget is in beta
The JavaScript widget is a new plugin of mailfloss. And like all of our new plugins, we label them as beta.
The JavaScript widget is currently in beta and under active development. While we'll make every effort to maintain consistency, updates may contain breaking changes.
The JavaScript widget is well-suited for various forms and pages including login, registration, and contact pages. It is worth noting that while the JavaScript widget is performant and visually pleasing, it does affect the user experience. If this is a concern, you may wish to use one of our set-and-forget integrations instead. These integrations work in real-time as well, in the backend, and do not have the associated user experience friction. The integrations also do not require modifying any HTML of any online forms, which may be preferable in many situations.